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Palm sugar is made from jaggery and processed into round or square pieces like alum with yellowish color or can also form white jaggery. Connoisseurs of jaggery often choose ivory-colored sugar because it retains its natural flavor more than refined white jaggery.

Benefits of Palm Sugar

Palm sugar provides diverse mineral content
Palm sugar is rich in essential minerals for the body. According to the research results on the effects of jaggery, the mineral content in jaggery is 60 times higher than that of other sugars, especially white granulated sugar. Moreover, the nutritional composition of jaggery contains quite a lot of vitamins. Therefore, jaggery is considered a great way to help women with anemia. In the composition of jaggery is also rich in iron, so it will be added to the daily diet to help these women improve their anemia.

Palm sugar helps restore the health of the digestive system
What does palm sugar do? Palm sugar contains active ingredients capable of acting as a digestive aid. In India, people have the habit of sipping small jaggery tablets after finishing a meal to help digest food easier. This type of sugar when entering the stomach will help stimulate the activity of digestive enzymes and help cleanse the intestines.

Palm sugar also helps keep skin healthy and rosy
Palm sugar is known for its many uses for the skin and makes it healthy and rosy. If your skin has acne you can use jaggery every day, you will probably see its effects and you will have a beautiful flawless skin.

The rich nutritional composition of jaggery brings many health benefits
In jaggery has a fairly high iron content. Therefore, consuming jaggery regularly will help improve and increase hemoglobin and treat iron deficiency anemia. Besides, the magnesium content in jaggery also accounts for the optimal ratio to help regulate the nervous system. In addition, in jaggery also has antioxidant content and helps protect the body's cells so that the body is not damaged by free radicals.

Palm sugar helps to replenish energy for the body
Is palm sugar fat? Palm sugar contains carbohydrate compounds that can be digested faster by the body than white sugar. Therefore, when using this type of sugar, it releases stored energy regularly. It is thanks to jaggery that will help you have a longer feeling of fullness and less appetite when eating dishes that use jaggery during processing.

Palm sugar is effective for migraine symptoms
Migraine headaches often occur quite common in today's life. The natural active ingredients with therapeutic effects present in jaggery will help relieve the pain caused by migraines. You use about 20 grams of jaggery when you have these symptoms, it will help reduce the pain caused by migraine.